Use personalized event card to make all kinds of gatherings for your social groups. Event card is your ticket, your event map, guest list, notification publisher and your advertising. All the event guests can post photo, text into one card, so "everyone on the same page", never miss instant updates. You can also share your event card via facebook and email.
intreest offers you features as:
• Smart event card - "All you need is one card"
Location in map, start-end time, and instant updates from all guests; they are all going to one personal designed event card. intreest card also supports private mode as needed.
• News up - "Whats hot"
An instant news feed that ranks highlighted information based on your choice of relevance, popularity, or location.
• Instant map - "To touch activities"
Pick a time, pick a place, intreest helps you to explore whats going on.